
日時:3月10日(木) 16:45–18:15 第91回金沢解析セミナー


講演者: Patrick van Meurs ⽒ (⾦沢⼤学)

タイトル : Hydrodynamic limit for a stochastic interacting particle system on the discrete torus

 I will present the derivation of a continuum mean-curvature flow as a certain hydrodynamic scaling limit of a stochastic particle system (Glauber-Kawasaki) on the discrete torus in d dimensions. The particles can jump to neighboring sites and there is a creation and annihilation effect. 
 This work is done in collaboration with T. Funaki (Waseda University), S. Sethuraman (University of Arizona) and K. Tsunoda (Osaka University). Our manuscript is available on ArXiv. The contents fit to the intensive lecture series that K. Tsunoda (3rd collaborator) gave at Kanazawa University in December 2020. Our work combines techniques from probability theory (main), numerical analysis and PDE theory. This is my first paper in the field of probability theory, and I aim to turn this into my second main research topic. 
 The study of hydrodynamic limits of stochastic interacting particle systems is a large field in physics and math. In my talk, I will focus on the main ideas from an analysis perspective and keep the probability theory technicalities to a minimum.